1) Courage- My Reflection

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Entry #1 for self-discovery

If I told you that the reason why I'm choosing to type this online was to start a discussion,would you believe me? Neither would i. I just want to get out my thoughts on what I've thought about so far for the book "Big Magic: Courage Living Beyond Fear" and I do have to admit that at first, I thought this would help inspire me to write as one of those "HEY! I'LL SHOW YOU A WAY TO REMOVE YOUR WRITERS BLOCK YOU ARE CURRENTLY GOING THROUGH RIGHT NOW SINCE CLEARLY NOTHING ELSE IS WORKING AND THIS IS YOUR LAST RESORT TO SPEND MONEY ON AN ITEM THAT MAY NOT WORK" books but I was wrong. This book is about self-discovery and Elizabeth Gilbert, the author of Eat,Pray,Love states that very clearly. I was intrigued because I had never bought an item that would help me bring back what I had felt like I had lost and this book CAN actually do that,however, I'll be testing that out for myself through this written series.

If one person read this or many people read this and want to give it a go with me, I highly encourage it.
This Post may be a long one,please prepare yourselves.

  My fear is unoriginal,what I fear is unoriginal. to fear darkness,strangers,spiders,clowns and anything else around the same level. In the world of harry potter during your third year you learn to confront and face your fears in defence against the dark arts using the spell and/or charm Riddikulus to turn something terribly negative,what you fear or your boggart into something positive. 
It's strange that after learning a few short essays in the "Big Magic" book can change your perspective on what seems so big at the time,It's a nudge to unlock your potential that's hidden away from yourself in order to fit into today's roles and standards of society. Well, guess what? Screw that! We shouldn't have to fit into the roles we're given and the unnecessarily high standards regardless of our age,gender,sexuality and everything else in between. 
I want to rediscover what I do have with the courage I now know had always existed and what I'm gaining along the way from this quest for our inner-self treasure (and hopefully a way to beat writers block while we're at it!) 
Fear is boring,but my fears are unoriginal.
What are your fears? Do you consider them to be original?
Leave a comment and share this post with your friends if you feel like you've gained anything or felt related to in any way and discuss.
Final Thoughts: Fear is good to have and it can be useful which is why it's instilled in us. Learning to live with it is another subject, though.
Creativity follows you wherever you head so, fear follows.
Like Elizabeth Gilbert wrote in the letter to her fear is that Fear is not allowed to help make decisions or control your life,you can have your voice heard as well as a place in this family of ours but you will not be the deciding factor in whether I do this thing,that thing or anything else. 
Let's get ourselves back to who we were and let's get back to writing once again before we were put in boxes,chained and dealt with those terrible trials and hurdles in order to get to how we are and relearn who we are today. 


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